Er. SoundararajanVenkatachalam, M.E(Struc..)(Ph.D) C.Eng, P.Eng has completed his Under Graduate degree B.E in Civil Engineering in the Year of 2009 and He has Completed his Master's degree M.E in Structural Engineering in the year of 2012. He started his career in the year of 2009 as Lecturer and worked in various self — financing Polytechnics and Engineering colleges. He has more than 10 years of Experience in the teaching industry. He is also act as a Visiting Professor in Engineering college. Also he is Pursuing Doctorate of Philosophy in the area of “Cold formed steel structures” at Anna University, Chennai. He published more than 10 Papers in Various National and International journals. He has been an active Editorial board member and Reviewer in Various National and International index Journals. He Published 3 syllabus based books for Anna University B.E Civil engineering : s students, He has an active lifetime member in 13 Professional societies. He also registered one patten in civil engineering. During his Teaching service he received many awards from various Professional bodies for his Outstanding performance in Teaching learning progress and researches. He is also a lifetime Member in , Federation of ALL Civil Engineers Association of Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry (FACEAT&P), Tamil Nadu Panel Engineers Association (TNPEA) and Gobichettipalayam Civil Engineers Association (GCEA). He is also a Registered Engineer, Registered Structural Engineer , Chartered Engineer, Panel Engineer and Panel Valuer for Various banks and Local Planning Authorities.